JusticeVision DVD catalog

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Special Edition DVD: Noam Chomsky, Thomas Frank, Al Franken, Amy Goodman, Paul Krugman, Michael Parenti, & Kevin Phillips

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Total Running Time: 6 hours
(When ordering, request "Franken et al DVD")

1) Michael Parenti: "Creating a Sustainable Economy: Lessons", at the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly, Long Beach, CA, 6/25/04; 1 hour 15 minutes.

2) Thomas Frank: "What's Wrong with Kansas?", at Skylight Books, Los Angeles, CA, 6/20/04; 1 hour 19 minutes.

3) Noam Chomsky: "The Occupation of Palestine: A Short History". Boston, MA, 12/10/03; 1 hour 15 minutes.

4) "A Star Spangled Evening", with Al Franken, Paul Krugman, Kevin Phillips, & Amy Goodman. Berkeley, CA, 1/18/04; 2 hours 12 minutes.